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I worked very hard on my case studies, they are best on desktop!
Meet your
New Skincare
bestie, drma.
Let's begin, shall we?
Skin care is a billion dollar business. $145.3 Billion to be exact. In the age of disinformation, influencers, and just plain bad advice finding products that work for you can be expensive.

Dermatologists can be inaccessible, and when you are standing on an aisle of endless skincare options, you need confidence to know you're picking the right product.
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Product strategy

Human interface design


Creative Direction



Skin care is a billion dollar business. $145.3 Billion to be exact. In the age of disinformation, influencers, and just plain bad advice finding products that work for you can be expensive.

Dermatologists can be inaccessible, and when you are standing on an aisle of endless skincare options, you need confidence to know you're picking the right product.



DRMA aims to give users the added confidence to take control of their skin care journey.  Skin needs change as time progresses, DRMA gives users flexibility to change with it while diminishing uncertainty. 

DRMA gives users the power to curate their own skincare community and start building a wealth of knowledge of products that works for you with reviews from people with similar skin types.



Discover - Getting to know the team, empathizing with their issues, and understanding the workflow.

Define - Forming hypotheses for potential solutions.

Ideate - Feedback sessions and testing.

Design - Presenting final solution and strategy.


Big Picture.

While working with my UX Director, we planned next steps. I began creating the foundations for a business model to develop and grow DRMA to its full potential. As of now, DRMA remains a concept with a very bright future to shake up the skincare landscape.

Below, we dive even deeper.

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Understanding the User

Through online surveys and live interviews I sought to empathize with the user, their pain points, and gain insight on how user's currently navigate skincare.
With Alexa's AI's tailored user-data, the purchase process is streamlined by understanding user's needs and wants, making decisions faster and anticipating needs.

So How Might We

Design - an experience tailored to the user..

Provide tools that will have positive impact..

Empower the user to engage and learn..

So the user has more confidence to take control of their skin journey, make informed decisions, and find a sense of community through the product.



Dermatologists are not always an option and relevant information can be hard to find or hard to comprehend.

The current process is costly, time consuming, and largely ineffective.


I explored solutions from competitors, studying what they did great and where they have opportunities for improvement.
Sketches & Lo-fi Wireframes
  • Starting with messy sketches, I started the validation process early. I implemented user feedback into the low fidelity wireframe.




After onboarding, DRMA introduces the user to the homepage that has been autofilled with content that relates to answers from onboarding.

Product Page

Clicking on a recommended product will pull up the product page where users can get the full breakdown of a product, including real user reviews, before they purchase.


The social page allows DRMA users to find their community. The social page is a place where people come learn about what's trending, read articles, post videos, and discuss their experiences.


When users browse content, they can easily jump right into the discussion.

Content pages offer a preview or summary of the selected post, with an easy "Pull to view" interaction to view the content in full.


Profile pages are where user's content is showcased, allowing visitors to view media gallery, curated highlights, and see users recent activity or what products they're loving.


DRMA allows users to display their skin types on their page, making it easier to know if this is user has similar skin to yours.

DRMA users can be verified to show that their reviews are honest, real, and trusted by the DRMA community.


DRMA is designed to be a fun, smooth experience. I utilized interactions to keep the feel of the app exciting and keep the user exploring.

Next Steps & Learnings.

DRMA’s concept became a hit with my user group. I received positive and constructive feedback, with respondents saying the app would be a game changer for building their skincare routine on their own. They thought the apps UI was fun and inviting and is easy enough for people just starting their skincare journey but also in-depth enough for more advanced users to benefit from the information. In all, DRMA showed people the power in community while showing how people can leverage that curated information to avoid pitfalls, wasted money,and negative skin reactions. 

While working with my UX Director, we planned next steps. I began creating the foundations for a business model to develop and grow DRMA to its full potential. As of now, DRMA remains a concept with a very bright future to shake up the skincare landscape.

Thank you!
I Design Stuff.